Category Archives: laughter

5 Regrets From People On Their Deathbeds, Revealed By A Nurse

I had to share this, Its so true.  Too many of us go through life living as expected, by means we see as socially acceptable, performing rituals passed on through family, teachers, peers… but really the only person who has to live with your life is you.  You are the only person you need to answer to on your deathbed!   You must let go of these guidelines for life we feel we must abide by to be seen as a success and do the things that will fill our lives with positivity, experience and powerful emotions.   THIS is the true sucess of life, to live, love, laugh, do the things that add life to our years and memoories for our old age 😉


Whatever floats your boat, do it whilst your still seaworthy!


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via 5 Regrets From People On Their Deathbeds, Revealed By A Nurse.

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Filed under adventure, age, change, culture, death, discoveries, health, laughter, life, moments, motivation, Self discovery, strength

Is there anything more joyous than watching cats do cat stuff??

I love cats, this clip litterally made me belly laugh!   So here it is, i am sharing the joy 🙂

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Filed under animals, cats, funny, hilarious, kittens, laughter

Do I even have an IQ?, Its moments like these I wonder how I’ve managed to keep myself alive all these years!

Typical Kirst moment driving home from work with the fella the other day.
Were sitting in the car, there’s traffic, I’m gazing around in my own little Kirst world and we come to a stop behind a car which has a sign on the back.

Now here, I decide to exclaim: Oh look that car says to wed, I wonder if its a wedding car, doesn’t look like one, there’s no decoration and its dirty…

At which point my boyfriend tells me its TOWED the car is being towed.

Oooooohhh! Ha ha ha, and I laughed and laughed all the way home!
I have a surprisingly high amount of these ‘golden’ moments 🙂


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Filed under adventure, funny, hilarious, laughter, life, moments, silly, wonderings